Face recognition is used to improve security, prevent crimes, and keep us healthy. The latest facial recognition systems use your IP camera system. They can be used for access control, and provide real-time information about who is entering specific areas in your facility, such as: recently terminated employees returning to work, restraining order alerts, a person of interest, people making threats to employees, contact tracing, etc.
Face recognition is used to track people within an organization. By maintaining a list of people who come in contact with each other the system builds a database that can be review for contact tracing.
Facial recognition is used for door access control. The face recognition algorithms are built into the door reader.
Biometric access control provides a very secure way to control access to your organization.
Identifying a person in a crowd can be challenging. Sometimes the person may not be facing in the right direction.
3D facial recognition extends the traditional methods of facial recognition to live-stream accurate capture and identification.
Facial algorithms use your IP camera system to provide live-stream accurate capture and identification. If you need to find the criminal entering your building or walking down the street, this is the best solution for you.
There are different methods used for matching facial biometrics. The simplest method measures various features of a person’s face, such as the distance between the eyes, or the position of the mouth to the nose. These geometric measurements or vectors are then coded and stored in a database for later comparison. This method is usually used for biometric door access control
The second method is more complex and uses sophisticated algorithms including 3D facial processing. This methodology is used in our crowd type facial recognition system. It captures the full facial image and uses as much information as it can. It then uses various computer algorithms, including machine learning, to build a set of definition data. This statistical database increases the reliability of the facial recognition system. This is one of the methods used for finding a face in a crowd. It uses IP cameras and integrates with Video Management Software such as Ocularis 5.
Three-dimensional face recognition (3D face recognition) is a method of facial recognition where the three-dimensional geometry of the human face is used. It has been shown that 3D face recognition methods can achieve significantly higher accuracy than their 2D counterparts, rivaling other biometric recognition.
3D face recognition measures the geometry of rigid features on the face. This avoids such pitfalls of 2D face recognition algorithms as a change in lighting, different facial expressions, make-up and head orientation.
Our 3D-Face Recognition integrates with video management software solutions such as Ocularis from OnSSI. This integration allows the security person to be notified when a person of interest is detected. It also allows the recorded video to be searched for all the instances when a certain person has been recorded. Here are more features:
For help determining the right facial recognition system, contact us at 800-431-1658 in the USA, or at 914-944-3425 everywhere else, or use our contact form.