Resources to Help You Purchase the Right IP Camera System
Kintronics is your engineering and consulting resource. We provide system integration and sell complete IP security solutions at the very best prices. We know that one system doesn’t fit all; each system is designed to fit exactly what you need.
We provide integrated systems that include IP cameras, network attached paging devices and door access control. We assure that all systems work together and meet your specific requirements.
To make sure you understand the IP camera system technology we have provided technical articles, white papers, buyers guides, and videos. We believe that an educated customer is our best customer. It allows you to understand the benefits and pros and cons of all the solutions we suggest.

We also assist with your installation, provide technical support that assures your system works as expected and provide warranty support that keeps your system running for many years.
Technical Notes
Getting Started: These technical notes help you get started. They help you understand how to use IP cameras to create a complete surveillance and security system. All these articles were published in our technical newsletter. You can read about Understanding How the IP Camera Works, How to Understand the Specifications, Wireless Cameras and much more.
Understanding the Technology: This section of technical notes describes the technology used. For example, How Surge Protectors Work, Comparison of Long Range Night Vision Cameras, Using an IP Camera with Audio, and many more articles that provide background to the technology. more…
Calculations: The articles describe what you can do to minimize the Bandwidth Used by Your Ip Camera System, and how to determine How Far You Can See With the PTZ IP camera.
Applications: This set of articles describes how people have used the IP camera systems. This includes articles such as: Can Drones be Used to Detect Forest Fires?, A Report from the Field describes How the Syracuse, NY Police use IP Cameras, and even how to determine What is the Best Price to Pay for your surveillance Camera. more
White Papers
The following white papers provide guidance about the IP camera systems.
Selecting the Components for your IP Camera System.
This article provides a summary of all the things that make up your IP camera system.
What is the Best Camera for Your IP Camera System
Do you want to know when a person steals the laptop from the desk or leaves an unattended package, or do you need to record what happens in the parking lot? This article suggests the right surveillance camera for your IP camera system.

Selecting the Right Equipment for Your IP Surveillance System is a step by step guide for building your own system. It includes examples of IP cameras and video recording systems, and cost trade-offs for various solutions.
Setting Your Objectives
The first thing to do is to define what your objectives are. These can be different depending on your application. This article helps you understand how to get started.
Selecting the Right Lens for Your Megapixel Camera
The lens is one of the most important components in your IP camera system. This article starts by defining the resolution you need and then how to select the right lens.
Creating a Complete Safety and Security Environment
Securing your environment is very important and it takes more than just your security cameras. TO provide better security you need to add IP door access control and to increase safety you can add an emergency paging system.
Frequently Asked Questions
We provided a list of FAQs that people have asked us and these may provide more of an understanding of the terms used in this industry.
To better understand the IP camera technology we made some videos.
How to Set Objectives and Select the Right Components for Your IP Camera System
IP Door Access Control with IP Cameras
IP Cameras are Compatible with IP Door Access Control Systems
PA over IP Provides Emergency Paging
How the Analog Video Camera Works
Our blog describes how the technology works, includes educational notes, describes how to do your own calculations, and how to select the right equipment. We also included examples about how the technology is used.
Buyers Guides
Buyers Guide for Megapixel Cameras
We compared Axis, Canon, and IQinVision IP dome cameras.
Price to Performance Comparison Chart
How much should you pay for your IP cameras? This article compares the price to the performance of the different type of IP cameras.
IP Camera Buyers Guide and Review
This review compares Axis, Canon, HikVision and Sony megapixel dome cameras. We tested the cameras and compared them against their specifications and each other.
IP Camera Recording Systems”
Video Recording Systems
What’s better Video Management Software (VMS), Network Video Recorders (NVR) or Cloud-based recording of camera video? This review compares a number of products and provides guidance that helps you select the right product for your security system.
If you would like to receive our technical newsletter, just fill out the form.
Our Technical Notes newsletter is filled with articles about how the technology works and examples of how it is used. It also includes some great technical jokes and cartoons.
Technical Support
Security and surveillance systems can be complex because they include many different components that have to work together. Kintronics is a resource for engineering and integration of all your security projects. We can design your complete system so don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance.
After purchasing your system we make sure that it works exactly the way you expect. You can contact us for help with your installation and any technical support you may need.
We provide technical support and warranty support. Contact us at 1-800-431-1658 or 914-944-3425 whenever you need assistance.