About Kintronics

Overview – We Are the Experts in IP Security Systems

Kintronics is an engineering and consultation company that sells complete IP security solutions at the very best prices.

We know that one system doesn’t fit everyone; each system is designed to fit exactly what you need. We help you select the right system by providing options that meet your needs and your budget. We ensure that all systems work together and meet your specific requirements.

We provide systems that include:

Network-Attached Security Systems
Network-Attached Security Systems

Consultation and Engineering

What do you actually need?
We review your objectives to make sure you get exactly what you expect.

Consulting, Guy Mag Glass

When we provide an emergency paging sound system, we analyze and determine the sound distribution system required. We review the sound levels and define the speakers, amplifiers, and software required to meet your objectives.

If you need help just contact us for help.

Decision Assistance

Review Alternative Solutions
Once we have completed the consultative phase, we work with you to review the pros and cons of a number of solutions, including a review against the budget available.

We make sure that you understand all the possible solutions so you can make an educated decision on the best choice. For example, we review the various camera systems that you can choose from as well as the software that will do exactly what you need.

We review your return on investment so you can understand the benefits and value of all the solutions available.

Decision Assistance, Guys with mag glass

System Integration

Make sure it all goes together
When necessary we integrate multiple systems and software. We provide integration that assures all parts of the system work together.

System Integration, puzzle pieces

For example, a door access control system uses credentials to allow entry, but what happens when you need to let in a visitor? We provide the intercom and cameras to allow you to speak and see the person at the door. You can then make a decision to allow manual entry by pushing a software button on your computer desktop.

Installation Assistance

Getting the System Installed and Working
Once you have decided on the right solution we help you determine the best way to install the system.

Sometimes you can do it yourself, and in other cases, you may need a skilled professional to do the work. We will make sure that you have the best resources available. We work with installers all over the world. Whether you’re in Nigeria, Iraq or Cleveland, USA we have installation teams that you can count on.

Installation Guy with tools

Technical Support

We are here to help.

Tech support Guy at computer

We assure that the equipment you purchased operates as expected and that you get full use of all the components of your IP security system. We provide technical support and warranty assistance after the sale.

We are the first people you call to get help. If necessary we coordinate support from Manufacturers and software companies to assure all your problems are corrected.

We can be reached at 1-800-431-1658 (in the USA), and 914-944-3425 (everywhere else), or just use our contact form.


Want to know how the IP camera works, or the advantages of network attached IP door control systems, or how to install the IP intercom and emergency paging systems? Visit our resource pages where you will find technical articles, white papers, and videos.

Reviews and Buyers Guide: Which camera is best? We have done a number of tests that compare the performance of a number of different IP cameras.

Blog and Videos Describing the Technology


For more information take a look at our blog. Our blog includes articles that describe how the technology works, how it is used and even jokes and cartoons about the technology.


We also have entertaining and informative videos on our YouTube channel.

The easiest way to assure you get the right system is to let us help. We have a lot of experience so we can help you select the right system for your application. Not only do we provide the best pricing, our technical support is free. Just contact us for assistance.

More About Kintronics

Kintronics Building

Kintronics has provided high technology products since 1977, and today specializes in network attached security systems. For more about our history read our article, the History of Kintronics.

Kintronics is a “women Owned Company” that sells complete solutions at the very best prices. Our staff includes engineers and system integrators who have the experience and expertise to help you select the best products for your application. We know that one system doesn’t fit all; each system is designed to fit exactly what you need.

We have real people, answering phones, who can assist you in selecting the right product. You can also take a look at the technical articles and product guides we provided on this site. Our technical staff not only helps you select the right product they also provide continued support after you purchase.

Take a look at our sales and service policy. Call us at 1-800-431-1658 in the USA or 914-944-3425 outside the USA. Fax: 914-944-0717. Or, Contact us for more information. We are located at 1940 Commerce St. Yorktown Heights, NY 10598.