Elevator Access Control

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The Complete Elevator Access Control System

An elevator access control system consists of a credential reader in the cab and a controller box that is usually located in the elevator control room.

The access control system is used to determine the floors that can be reached based on the door access control credential.  For example, all the accountants who work on the 5th floor can reach that floor, but not be able to go to the IT department on the 3rd floor.  Floors that contain general areas such as the cafeteria or fitness center, would typically be available to everyone.

The access control software can be programmed to allow certain people to go to specific floors on specific days and times. Executives can go to any floor at any time.

Elevator Access Control

Elevator Control System Components

The elevator access security system consists of a door access control reader in the elevator, an elevator control unit, and special elevator control software

ELCK-SK Elevator Controller

The ELCK-SK control panel is specifically designed to control elevators. It includes relays and intelligence necessary to provide secure and versatile access to up to 64 floors.

This is a flexible system connects to the network and is powered using power over Ethernet PoE.  You can purchase the right controller kit depending on the number of floors you need to control.

Floor access can be determined by the credential used.  You can use RFID credentials, fingerprint, or passwords to determine who and when someone can reach predetermined floors.

Kits are available in a metal housing that includes the electronics and powered by PoE.

Models Available

  • ELCK-SK:  8-floor controller
  • ELCK-16: 16-floor controller
  • ELCK-24:  24-floor controller
  • ELCK-32:  32-floor controller
  • ELCK-40:  40-floor controller
  • ELCK-48:  48-floor controller
  • ELCK-56:  56-floor controller
  • ELCK-64:  64-floor controller

Elevator Controller
Elevator Controller

Door Access Control Readers

You can select from RFID door readers such as:

Proximity Door Readers

RFID Proximity Readers

RF100P: RFID 125KHz readers with Wiegand interface. Supports proprietary credentials.

RF200H: RFID 125KHz readers with Wiegand interface. Supports HID credentials.

RF223H: RFID 125KHz readers with keypad, and Wiegand interface. Supports HID credentials.

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Mobile Credential Readers

Mobile credentials use your smartphone as the credential.

BT100M: Mullion style Bluetooth uses your smartphone as the credential as well as RFID 13.56 MHz credentials

BT123M: Wall mount with keypad supports mobile and 13.56 MHz RFID proximity credentials.

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Bluetooth Mobile Door Readers

Biometric Readers

Optional Biometric door access readers can also be used. The fingerprint and other biometric readers are larger so installation depends on the availability of physical space.

Software for Elevator Control System

The elevator system runs on your Windows PC. This is the same door access management software that is used to control all your doors.

Access Control Software
Access Control Software

Door Access Management Software:

The management software provides the following capability:

  1. Assign the door reader in the elevator to the ELCK control panel
  2. Set elevator rules such as time intervals that define 3 intervals for all the days of the week and holidays.
  3. Who can reach certain floors
  4. When certain people can reach certain floors
  5. Reports of usage

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Elevator Access Control System Wiring Diagram

The elevator control panel integrates with the buttons inside the elevator and the electronics in the machine room. The access control reader in the elevator determines what floors the person can reach. The reader can be a simple RFID type reader or a biometric reader.  When the right credential is detected, and the floor button is pressed in the elevator, the signal goes through the elevator control panel, and then to the elevator system that moves the elevator.

Elevator Control Diagram
Elevator Control Diagram

The elevator control panel includes relays that disconnect the button from the elevator system. If the person has permission to a specific floor, the relay is closed and provides the connection between the button and the elevator system (in the elevator control room). The example wiring diagram shows how the control panel can be used to control the elevator.


For more about elevator access controls and door access control, please see our access control technical articles. These articles provide technical information that will help you understand door access control systems.

Elevator Control Using Door Access Readers: Describes how elevator control works.

How Does Facial Recognition Work: Describes the technology used in facial recognition

How Fingerprint Readers Work: Describes the technology behind fingerprint recognition.

For help selecting all the components of your elevator access control system, please contact us at 800-431-1658 in the USA, or at 914-944-3425 everywhere else, or use our contact form.