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Integration of Audio and Video in IP Camera Systems

Back in 1927 audiences were amazed by the latest motion picture technology.   The “Jazz Singer” was the first full-length motion picture to incorporate synchronized dialogue.  The new “talkies” had come of age.  Today we are seeing the introduction of audio into our video security systems.  The confluence of IP cameras, IP intercoms, and IP paging systems are enabling more versatile security and control systems.

IP camera systems have been around since 1996.  They changed the way CCTV surveillance cameras transported and recorded the video.  IP cameras have included two-way audio for many years, but this capability was not used effectively.  Adding audio was not as easy as it appeared.  There were many problems to be solved, including audio feedback, background noise, and microphone sensitivity.  The addition of special audio filters and feedback control made this technology more viable.  Today we see new opportunities created by adding intercoms to IP camera systems.  Intercoms can also be integrated with IP door access control readers, providing a complete door control system.

The control point for all this new technology is the Video management software (VMS) from OnSSi.  The latest software can now control not only the IP cameras but also the intercoms, IP door access control, and emergency IP paging systems.  There are many new applications that can be supported by this integrated technology.  Here are few examples:

Door Control for Visitors

Imagine this. A person comes to a remote gate (or door). They push the call button and a security person can see the person at the door using their computer.  They then can talk to them and decide whether or not to let them in.

This system uses video management software which provides an audio alert whenever someone pushes the call button.  The video from the IP camera at the door (or gate) pops into a window on the guard’s computer.  The guard can see the people, talk to them, make a decision about entry, and then release the remote door (or gate).  Not only do you have control of the door, the video system keeps a video recording of the occurrence.

Assured Access Control

The same door could have an IP reader installed that allows employees with credentials to get in automatically, while visitors use the intercom. The video management system records the people who enter and provides a complete visual history of all the people who have used their credentials.  The video enhances security by allowing you to detect people who “piggyback” into the facility when someone swipes their credential.  The software allows you to review who used their credentials alongside the video of the event.

Maintaining Control of Your Security

Suppose someone opens a door and keeps it ajar for a long time.  Now a security person can be notified by the door control system. The alarm condition causes the video to pop into a window on the guards viewing screen.  He can see exactly what’s happening and can even talk to the people near the door using a speaker attached to the IP camera.

What if you see people congregating in an area they shouldn’t be in?  Now you can use a powered speaker that is attached to a video camera to yell at them.  “Hey, get out of the area or I’ll call the police!” You can stop problems before they happen using audio.

All this under the control of the VMS.

Emergency Notification

What if an intruder forces their way into your facility?  You can view the person on your IP surveillance system, and then warn people using the paging software, running on the same computer.

You can make an emergency announcement, warn people of the problem as well as provide specific instructions.  This complete network attached emergency paging system can broadcast the warnings to the exact location necessary to control the situation.

PA over IP Campus System

Remote door control using a smart device

Need a mobile intercom system?  Another new system allows you to control your doors using your smart device.  These new video intercoms communicate, not only over your WiFi network but also over the phone system.

Intercom to App Diagram

No matter where you are in the world, you can receive a notification that someone is at the door.  Using your smartphone, you can see the person, as well as review other IP cameras around the facility.  You can then talk to the person at the door, and release the door to let them in.  The video management software can also record all the video.


In 1927 people were amazed by the talking movies.  Today we are witnessing the integration of sound and video that will transform the security market.  The combination of video with audio is making your life easier and safer.  The totally integrated security system is now a reality.

Contact us for more details about all the systems available.  We know that one system is not right for everyone, so we create the system that fits your exact requirements.  We can be reached at 800-431-1658 in the USA, or 914-944-3425 (everywhere else), or use our contact form.

Bob Mesnik

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