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Paging Considerations Before Purchasing

What to consider when buying a Paging System

IP Paging Systems

Many organizations use paging systems, including offices, schools, hospitals, factories, and retail spaces. They are versatile communication tools that broadcast information efficiently and reliably across various settings. A Paging System provides communication in various scenarios. Whether managing daily operations, ensuring safety, or enhancing customer service, paging systems offer reliable and scalable solutions to meet diverse needs.

To ensure you select the right system for your needs, consider the following factors:

Determine How the PA System Will be Used

Primary Functionality: Determine the system’s main purpose—mass announcements, emergency alerts, background music, or the end of class at school. Consider whether the system requires automated announcements.

Environment: Assess whether the system will be used indoors, outdoors, or in both settings, as this will impact equipment requirements.

Audience Size: Consider the number of people the system needs to reach and the area it will cover. Each location in the organization should be considered. For example, how large is each classroom, gym, or auditorium? Consider if you would like to make announcements outdoors. The background noise should always be considered.

Paging System Features

Paging and Intercoms

The features and functions are based on your objectives and requirements, so it’s important always to review what you would like the system to accomplish before purchasing.  

Zoning Capabilities:

Look for systems that allow targeted announcements to specific areas or zones. Zoning ability allows you to talk to particular areas of your organization. For example, do you want a school administrator to talk to only one classroom, or if a hospital can make a page in only a single area?

Emergency Integration:

Ensure the system supports emergency alerts and integrates fire alarms or evacuation protocols. For example, emergency buttons are sometimes used to quickly notify everyone of a lockdown, fire, or other danger.

Speaker Volume Control:

Verify that the paging system allows adjustable volume levels for different areas or times of day. Volume control determines the kind of speakers you use and the management software.

PA System Multi-Functionality:

Check if the system can handle background music, automated scheduling, and paging. Automation makes standard messaging very easy. Schools can provide class change announcements, or manufacturing plants can automatically notify everyone of a shift change.

Type of Speakers

IP Paging Speakers

Different types of speakers are designed for specific applications. For example, you can select ceiling speakers, wall speakers, hallway speakers, and those designed for outdoor use.

Coverage Area and Sound Levels Required

Before purchasing your PA system, you need to know the size of the areas you want to cover with sound. Calculate the size of the area to be covered, and then you can select the types of speakers, the number required, and the output sound power of each speaker.  

Just how loud does sound need to be to hear it, and how loud is it too loud?  If you ask the people in a city, too loud is the noise from traffic or the noise from the rattling garbage collection or in the suburbs the sound of the lawn mower too early in the morning.  Sound levels can even be loud enough to damage your hearing.  On the other hand, is the sound loud enough to be heard?

Paging Speakers and Sound Levels

We measure the loudness of sound in decibels (dB). It is sometimes referred to as the Sound Pressure Level (SPL). 0 dB is the minimum sound level a person with good hearing can hear. 130 dB is the point where the sound is painful.  Even sound levels above 85 dB can be a problem. Most experts recommend using earplugs when continuously exposed to 85 dB and above. The further away you are from the speaker, the less sound you hear.  The sound level goes down 6 dB every time we double the distance from the speaker.  For example, a speaker that provides 118 dB of sound at 1M will have a sound level of 112 dB at 2 M from the speaker.  At 4 m (13 ft.), the sound is 106 dB; at 32 m (105 ft.), it’s 96dB, etc.  For your reference, 96 dB is the sound of a power mower. So you can see that this speaker and amplifier would provide enough sound to allow children playing in a large yard to hear an announcement.

Other Acoustic Considerations: Consider ambient noise levels and obstacles impacting sound clarity, such as walls or machinery.

To learn more, see our article, What is the Right Sound Level for Your Paging Speakers?

Installation and Maintenance of IP Paging System

Some systems use standard speaker wires to connect a central amplifier, while others use the network. Network installation is easier because the network infrastructure is usually in place, and the IP speakers simply extend the computer network.

Sometimes, your network team can do the installation without outside help. IP paging systems use central software on a computer designated at the control center. Consider what training, if any, is required when installing the system.

The system’s durability should also be considered since this can affect maintenance costs. Don’t purchase the least expensive devices and expect them to be as reliable as the more robust equipment. To learn more about the best speaker, read our article, Selecting the Right Speakers for Your IP Paging System.

Summary of Paging System Considerations

Paging systems are essential communication tools across various settings, including offices, schools, hospitals, factories, and retail spaces. They offer reliable, scalable solutions for managing daily operations, ensuring safety, and enhancing customer service. To select the right system, consider factors such as purpose and use, the features and functions of the paging system, the type of speakers and sound level, and the installation and maintenance.

If you need help selecting the right PA system, please call us at 1-800-431-1658 in the USA, 914-944-3425 everywhere else, or use our contact form.

Bob Mesnik

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