Wireless IP cameras can be used whenever you can’t wire the camera to your network switch. Cameras with built in wireless radios are used indoors, while cameras with external radios are used outdoors and in remote locations.
Cameras with built in radios are usually for indoor home use. But when it comes to outdoor use, cameras that use external radios are preferred because they are reliable and can cover much longer distances.
There are two types of wireless connections; Wi-Fi radios that use a dedicated connection between two points, and 3G / 4G that use the telephone wireless network.
Wireless Cameras
There are a number of economic wireless IP cameras that are available, for example Sony and Samsung cameras.
Features include:
Wireless IP cameras usually are not as reliable as wired connections because of the low signal strength and need for line of sight between the camera and the access point. Yes, it sometimes works through walls but sometimes there are problems.
Wireless Radios that attach to IP Cameras
The best way to connect a camera, where wiring is not an option, is to use a set of wireless radios with directional antennas. The camera is attached to the network connection of the wireless radio. This can provide a bridge between the remote location and your central location. High performance WiFi wireless radios with special directional antennas have a range of many miles. They have recently come down in price with some costing under $200. Performance depends on the price. Radios with more power, higher bandwidth, security, and flexibility are more expensive.
These radios can provide bandwidth up to 50 Mbps or more depending on signal strength. There are a variety of radios available. Most use frequencies of either 2.4 GHz or 5.8 GHz. Frequencies such as 900 MHz and 4.9 GHz are available as well. Most IP camera applications use the 5.8 GHz radios. In remote applications where there may be limited power, it is best to select radios that require the least power.
When we provide the complete wireless IP camera systems it includes the radio with directional antenna, camera, power system, and surge protectors, as well as network switches with PoE, special environmental enclosures and mounting brackets. Everything is designed for compatibility with power, electronics and connectivity.
One or more IP cameras can be included in the wireless system solution. They can be fixed or PTZ type cameras. Cameras are selected depending on the requirements and objectives.
The power can be provided by local AC power or by adding a solar power system.
Features include:
3G / 4G Wireless Broadband Solutions
3G / 4G phone communication can be used whenever WiFI radios are not practical. They use special modems which depend on your local service provider. Since they make use of the telephone communication systems, they require a SIMM card or license code.
3G / 4G channels don’t provide high bandwidth so should only be used in applications that require low resolution and low frame rate.
4G upload bandwidth is rated at over 500 Mbps (the specification says 1 Gbps for fixed installations) but in real world applications you may not get better than 40 Kbps because there could be other data traffic on the cell tower. 3G is rated at about 3 Mbps so provides much less bandwidth.
These modems can automatically select an alternate communication channel such as WiFi or wired broadband solution to maintain a reliable and redundant connection.
Main Features
Wireless cameras are available with the radio built in or with external radios. You can select Wifi or 3G / 4G modems. The radios have gotten better and pricing has come down. They provide an excellent way to connect your remote surveillance cameras to your central security center. Please contact us for assistance in specifying the best solution for your specific application.
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