Technologies that Enhance Physical Security

How Technology Provides Increased Physical Security

Safety and Security
Safety and Security

Technology plays a crucial role in protecting organizations in several ways:

By leveraging technology, organizations can enhance physical security measures, monitor activities, detect and respond to threats in real-time, and establish robust access control systems to safeguard their premises, assets, and personnel.

This article reviews how technology is used to enhance physical safety

Surveillance and Monitoring Using IP Camera Systems:

AI and IP Camera Systems

Advanced surveillance technologies, such as IP camera Sytems, access control systems, and intrusion detection systems, are used to monitor physical premises, restrict unauthorized entry, and prevent theft or unauthorized activities within the organization’s premises.

Modern surveillance systems leverage advanced technologies such as IP cameras, video analytics, and motion sensors to monitor and record activities in and around organizational premises. These systems deter potential threats, provide evidence in case of incidents, and enable real-time monitoring for prompt response to security concerns.

Incident Response Provides Immediate Alerts:

The latest AI-powered IP camera systems provide immediate notification of threats. Alarms are sent to security personnel when a protected area is breached, someone enters the organization carrying a gun, screams, or when a gunshot is detected. Technology aids organizations in responding to security incidents promptly and effectively. Incident response tools and technologies enable rapid detection, containment, investigation, and recovery from security breaches or cyberattacks.

Access Control Systems Protect People and Facilities:

Access Control and Intercoms
Access Control and Intercoms

Access control systems restrict entry to authorized personnel only. This includes key-card credentials, biometric scanners (fingerprint, retina, or facial recognition), and PIN-based systems. These technologies help prevent unauthorized individuals from gaining physical access to restricted areas.

Access control increases the safety of any organization by preventing the wrong people from entering the facility. It can also be used to determine who is inside the facility, providing accountability and autitability.

Alarm Systems Notify the Campus of Threats:

Emergency alarm buttons can be placed at key locations around the organization. The alarm buttons can be integrated with IP Paging and door access control systems. There are portable alarm buttons that people can carry. Some mobile systems only work within the organization, while other personal panic buttons can be used anywhere cellphone connections exist.

Panic Buttons
Panic Buttons

Other technology-driven alarm systems are crucial for physical security. Intrusion detection systems, including door/window sensors, motion detectors, and glass break sensors, are integrated with alarms to notify security personnel or trigger alerts in case of unauthorized access or suspicious activities.

Visitor Management Systems:

Technology enables the implementation of visitor management systems, including self-service kiosks, digital registration, and badge printing. These systems enhance control over visitor access, track visitor movements, and provide a record of individuals present within the premises.

Apartment Intercoms Control Visitors

The apartment intercom provides control of visitors to a multi-tenant building. It is an intelligent device with a touchscreen that allows visitors to contact residents.

Apartment Intercom Concept
Apartment Intercom Concept

For example, the TruView-Touch7 Apartment Intercom attaches to your network and includes a door relay that can release the electric lock at the door. It is designed to increase security in any organization that has multiple tenants. Since the intercom connects to the tenants thru your WiFi or cellphone network, it is very easy to install.

You can easily find and call a specific corporate department or person in an apartment building using the touchscreen. The person contacted can answer the intercom using an app on their mobile device or a standard telephone. It’s easy to view, talk and then release the door.

This wireless system is excellent for new or replacement installations. It connects to the tenant’s smartphones for completely wireless communication. The tenant can see and speak to the person at the door. Since the system uses cellphone data, they can control the door from anywhere in the world.

Emergency Communication Systems:

Technology facilitates the implementation of emergency communication systems, such as public address (PA) systems, intercoms, and mass notification systems. These systems enable efficient communication during emergencies, ensuring timely evacuation, response coordination, and dissemination of critical information.

Network-attached paging systems are replacing the older analog paging systems. They are not only easier to install; they provide increased functionality. One of the most helpful features of this system is its ability to make automated announcements. You can push a button and make a pre-recorded page or automatically notify everyone about a weather emergency received from the national weather service.  The automation feature can even convert text messages to audio announcements.

Summary of Technology to Increase Safety

Technology is crucial in protecting organizations by enhancing physical security measures, monitoring activities, detecting and responding to threats in real time, and establishing robust access control systems.

If you would like help selecting the security system, please get in touch with us at 1-800-431-1658 in the USA or 914-944-3425 everywhere else, or use our contact form.