One of the draws of the luxury apartment buildings on New York’s Park and Fifth Avenues has been the access control provided by uniformed doormen; trusted employees who know every resident by sight and can be counted on to screen all visitors and grant them access only after announcing them and gaining permission over the apartment’s intercom.
The cost for such security: co-op and condo prices that reach into the two-digit millions. But there’s an alternative for those of us who cannot afford to live in such luxury – a digital doorman.
Network-attached IP cameras and intercoms combine with your smartphone to create the latest technology for door access control. By: Virginia Fair
New Information Technology News
BYOD and Convergence are two of the buzziest words around. BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device and refers to the policy many schools and businesses have adopted of allowing workers and students to work on their own laptops, smartphones, or tablets.
Convergence is defined as the merging of two or more existing technologies to produce a new application or media. For example, the collaboration of broadcast media and online services has brought the internet to TV and TV to the internet. What has made convergence a priority for so many sectors are those BYOD devices.