Category: About Technology

Enhancing School Safety With Technology

How Technology Can Improve Safety in Schools

Technology to Protect Schools
Technology to Protect Schools

Ensuring students, teachers, and staff safety and security within educational institutions is paramount in today’s rapidly evolving world. IP camera systems, door access control, and visitor management have emerged as powerful tools to enhance school safety in many ways.

This article explores how these systems contribute to a safer learning environment:

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IP Camera Systems with AI Improve Perimeter Awareness

AI-Enhanced Perimeter Security and Situational Awareness

AI Enhanced IP Cameras
AI Enhanced IP Cameras

Artificial Intelligence (AI) enhances the capability of IP Camera Systems. AI has improved the ability of classic surveillance systems. Instead of just recording video, the enhanced IP cameras have changed how we use the IP Camera Systems. AI makes the standard IP camera system smarter. It provides immediate notification of threats, extends the range of detection, reduces false alarms, and provides automated tracking of targets.

This article describes how the new EV-EDGE AI Software can enhance IP Camera Systems and improve perimeter security and situational awareness.

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IP Camera Systems With AI Protect People

AI-Enhanced Camera Systems Improve Safety and Security

AI Enhanced Camera Systems
AI Enhanced Camera Systems

Artificial Intelligence (AI) enhances IP Camera Systems to improve safety and security. AI systems are defined as those that can learn from experience. Physical crises are automatically detected and provide alarms that prevent threats from becoming critical. This technology offers a paradigm change in the usage of IP Camera Systems.

This article describes how the latest Scy-AI software can detect objects like guns in a person’s hand or a criminal in a crowd, intrusion into a perimeter, detect and count vehicles, enhance safety in parking areas, and recognize behavior anomalies.

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How to Use IP Cameras With Access Control

Integration of IP Camera and Access Control Systems

Integration of Access Control and IP Camera Systems
Integration of Access Control and IP Camera Systems

Access control systems provide increased safety by controlling who can enter the organization. IP cameras provide surveillance of the organization. Together, they offer a synergistic method that dramatically improves the organization’s safety.

This article describes how to use IP cameras with access control systems

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The Financial Benefits of Access Control

Door Access Control Provides an Excellent Return on Investment

Financial Benefits of Access Control
Financial Benefits of Access Control

We all know that safety and security are significant advantages of adding door access control, but are there any financial benefits? It’s always best to analyze the return on investment of any new purchase. It turns out that access control systems offer several economic benefits to organizations, helping them reduce costs, improve efficiency, and protect assets. Here are some of the key financial benefits of access control:

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The Revolution in IP Camera Systems

Artificial Intelligence has Changed the Way We Use IP Camera Systems

IP Camera Systems with AI
IP Camera Systems with AI

Today’s buzzword is AI (Artificial Intelligence). It is a game changer for IP camera systems because AI-equipped cameras can instantly notify security personnel about critical events, enabling faster response times and minimizing potential risks. The IP camera system is transformed from a review of past events to an instant reaction system.

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How to Determine the Best Door Access Control System

How to Choose the Best Access Control System

Selecting the Right Access Control System
Selecting the Right Access Control System

Many factors can influence your decision about the type of access control system you should get. Your best door access control system will depend on your needs and requirements. This article reviews the some factors to consider and provides a comparison of popular access control systems.

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Advantages of Video Intercoms

Video Intercoms Increase Security

Video Intercoms
Video Intercoms

Video intercoms connect to the network and are powered using PoE (Power over Ethernet.) These enhanced intercoms add the additional security of seeing the person at the door. They communicate to an app on your smartphone or a PC running VMS software.

This article describes the benefits of video intercoms.

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Benefits of Apartment Intercoms

IP Apartment Intercoms Are the Latest Visitor Control for Multi-Tenant Buildings

Apartment Intercom Concept
Apartment Intercom Concept

IP apartment intercoms offer several benefits compared to traditional analog intercom systems. They provide an economical solution for the replacement of older intercom systems as well as new installations.

This article describes some of the advantages of IP Apartment Intercoms:

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Physical Security Issues That Concern Most People

Physical Threats to Our Security

Security Concerns
Security Concerns

Sometimes the world can be a scary place. It is essential to be aware of security threats and to take steps to protect yourself and your organization. The latest technology helps to increase our safety and security.

This article reviews many of our security concerns and suggests the best way to mitigate these fears.

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